class AdversarialDistribution: """# Distribution Class to use in Adversarial Autoencoder For any distribution to be implemented, make sure to ensure each of the methods are implemented""" def __init__(self, N): """# Initialize the distribution for N-dimensions""" self.dims = N return def get_full_name(self): """# Return a human-readable name of the distribution""" return self.full_name def get_name(self): """# Return a shortened name of the distribution Preferrably, the name should include characters that can be included in a file name""" return def __str__(self): """# Returns the short name""" return self.get_name() def __repr__(self): """# Returns the short name""" return self.get_name() def __call__(self, *args): """# Magic method when calling the distribution This method is going to be called when you use `dist(...)`""" raise NotImplementedError("This distribution has not been implemented yet")